I disagreed with Dr. Falwell on many things, primarrily his political method. However, I also held many things in common with him, mainly a great love for the Lord Jesus Christ. Our prayers are with the Falwell family during this difficult time.The Rev. Jerry Falwell, the television minister whose 1979 founding of the
Moral Majority galvanized American religious conservatives into a political
force, died Tuesday at age 73. Falwell was found unconscious and without a pulse in his office at Liberty University, the college he founded in Lynchburg, Virginia, said Ron Godwin, the school's executive vice president.
I appreciated your recognition of the death of Dr. Falwell. I am not a Baptist, nor did I agree with some of his methodology, but I have never had any reason to doubt his heart for the Lord.
What I found interesting was the fact little has been said about his death on the other Baptist blogs I read. NPR, however, did an interview with Paul Weyrich in recognition of Dr. Falwell's impact on America. An Anglican (not Baptist) blogger, who did not agree with Falwell, offered his respects on his blog, too. The most amazing recognition, however, came from the ebay atheist, who also shared his respect for a man he disliked.
Dr. Falwell has always had this "man you love to hate" kind of image. Every generation needs someone like him, yet we cannot stand more than one of him. Unfortunately, there are too many copycats of him.
One thing about Falwell; many may not like him, but you have to respect him.
I appreciated the breadth and scope of his ministry; from planting Thomas Road (not to mention the many Thomas Road based ministries, such as the Elim Home, a drug addiction rehabilitation program, which I have taken advantage of in my ministry) when he was but a boy, to Liberty University, to Liberty Christian Academy, though some who read this blog will disagree about Liberty being called a university.
Very few men in ministry have accomplished (for better or worse) what he has.
...a drug addiction rehabilitation program, which I have taken advantage of in my ministry...
I'm so glad you're getting some help with that addiction, Tony... ;)
No, seriously. Thank you for posting this. I had thought of doing an almost identical post on my blog, but didn't have time earlier in the day to do it.
Like you, I had a lot of respect for Jerry Falwell, even though I very strongly disagreed with a lot of what he said and did. I still had respect for his courage and perseverance.
Despite my differences with him, I felt a bit of a lump in my throat when I heard the news.
Yeah, if it had not been for that rehab program, I don't know where I might be!!! You know, I didn't even catch that when I wrote it! (rofl!)
I had many differences with Dr. Falwell and I must admit you could have knocked me over with a feather when I read the news.
He was certainly the type of man who unashamedly spoke his mind, for better or worse. Thomas Road BC and his family will grieve for a long time.
Dr. Falwell had a rare combination of vision, voice and passion for Christ. His extreme stances on various issues actually created a tenable middle ground for conservative Christians. God bless him for being willing to be the one to risk the extreme.
He will be missed.
Dr. Falwell had a rare combination of vision, voice and passion for Christ.
It is sad that this cannot be said about more Christian men and women. Dr. Falwell ably represent ed the far right and I will say this unashamedly about him, that he would courageously express his opinion, whether you agreed with him or not.
One quibble. Is it enough to say that we should respect Falwell for standing for what he believed? Louis Farakhan does that. I am not saying there aren't areas that we can respect from Falwell--the centers for pregnant women, etc., but it isn't enough to say he stood for what he believed. When he blamed 9-11 on gays, liberals and feminists, he may have believed that, but that is nothing to respect.
One quibble with your quibble. I purposefully did not say what you think I am implying. I have not said that we must respect Falwell for standing for what he believed, though I have said he must be respected, and I will say that about ANY brother in Jesus Christ. Where I have disagreed with him, I have made that known and I have not voiced any approval for his 9-11 comments, which incidentally, he did apologize.
Perhaps I misunderstood you, Tony, but that vibe appears to be out there. Perhaps I misunderstood Gordon's comment as well, but it seems that he praised Falwell for being extreme.
I know, btw, that he apologized for his 9-11 comment. Or kind of. He apologized and then reiterated that gays, feminists and liberals had caused God to remove his protective covering (which I like to imagine as a cosmic saran-wrap). Of course, he had many, many comments to apologize for.
I won't speak for Gordon, but you know where I stand. That vibe is out there and I cannot do anything about it. Do you want me to apologize for Dr. Falwell's misstatements?
He alone has answered to God for all he has done and said, whether good or bad. I have numerous times on this blog, yours, and others' spoken against many of Dr. Falwell's extreme stances.
I respect Dr. Falwell as a preacher of the Gospel; as a politican I do not.
I apologize. I didn't mean to attack you. You don't have to apologize for Falwell or anyone else.
Don't mind me. I am not the biggest fan of evangelical superstars--be they Falwell or Patterson (as I am sure you saw from my blog).
I mean no disrespect to you.
No need to apologize, though I appreciate it. I may have been a bit too sensitive when I responded. Even in his death, Dr. Falwell continues to polarize.
Trust me, I know of your disdain for many evangelical leaders.
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