Saturday, April 19, 2008

Food Pantry Ministry Restores Church to Health

Texarkana Church 'Loving' Community to Christ

I don't think I have ever heard of a food pantry ministry being this effective. Give the article a look and if you want, let me know what you think.


Anonymous said...


I think it sounds great for several reasons. (1) It was not an attempt to copy what was successful somewhere else, they walked through the door God opened for THEM. (2) It is a ministry oriented outreach. It begins with a genuine concern for people, not just filling up the church. (3) It is a gospel ministry. They are obviously keeping the gospel as a central part of this work.

Imho, that is why God has blessed. Follow God's leading, Love people, and share the gospel. Not a bad formula, I'd say.

Anonymous said...

What Cameron said.

Excellent points, Cameron!

Tony said...


Good to see you back. Hope things have been well for you. I would agree with all three of your points, as Steve has, and I would only add that this is the first time I have seen of a food pantry ministry this effective.

I was genuinely impressed with your #1 point most of all; so many churches are trying to copy that which is effective at another church and we ought to have enough experience that that doesn't work.

Thanks for commenting, brother!