Thursday, June 21, 2007

Living in the Land of 10,000 Questions

Spiritual lessons come in the most unlikely places. With so many small children in the house, questions are going to be asked. Lots of them. My wife and I are standing in the kitchen, exchanging thoughts about our days when three out of the four barrel in spouting a flurry of questions. After fielding the interrogations, I wearily commented, "We live in the Land of 10,000 Questions." Living in the Land of 10,000 Questions is not an easy endeavor.

Daddy, can we go to the creek? Can I have some ice cream? Will you read me a book? Can I play a game on the computer? Can we go fishing? Can we go to the store? Will you play a game with me? Will you come outside? Can we watch a movie? Can I have snack? Can we go over to Mr. and Mrs. Conners'? Can we print a picture off the computer? Can we go to the library? Can Rebecca come over? Can we go to the pool? Can we go on eBay and look at Wishbone books? Can we go to whits end dot o-r-g?

That is just a brief smattering of the hundreds of questions that are asked each day. And most of the time, I have to say no. I don't like saying no, but often when the timing isn't right, it is impossible to offer an affirmative response; like asking in the middle of preparing supper, or when I'm brushing my teeth, or when I am headed out the door on a pastoral call.

In the midst of getting our standard fare of cereal and juice together for breakfast I was asked a question. I don't remember what the question was nor does it matter. I remember my response and it was like the proverbial two by four upside the head.

"Sweetheart, will you for once ask daddy a question he can say yes to?"

Like I said, I don't like saying no. It pains me to turn one of my babies down and answer negatively to one of their earth shaking, ground trembling requests, like, "Can we go to the store and buy some string?" String? String? Why do you need string? At this hour? Now? Why? What for? String?

It is amazing the spiritual lessons that often emanate from our own hearts, especially spurned by childlike requests. Perhaps I myself, in all those hundreds of prayer concerns I have been praying, perhaps I have not been asking questions He can say yes to.
You ask and you do not receive, because you ask amiss, that you may spend it on your pleasures. James 4:3


Anonymous said...

priceless post. wonderful lesson from your precious girls. selahV

In risk of asking amiss, why don't you just say yes, daddy? Wait till you're a grampa. You will be wondering if you ever will say no.

Tony said...
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Tony said...

Mrs. V,


Oh, I wish I could say yes all the time, but then I wouldn't be a good daddy, would I? Daddy HAS to say no every now and then, otherwise the chilluns might think I really am a sucker.

Thanks for the link at Post Picks. I am grateful!

Anonymous said...

you are mighty welcome. you spent your heart there and it is worth the read. I do say no "sometimes" to my grandchildren. But with all the time in the world on my hands, it's much easier to say yes. They usually don't ask something I can't say yes to. Makes life rather easy.
But you are so right in the fact that we ask amiss too often with our Lord. We want Him to bless our ideas, our projects, etc. If we'd just find out what He wanted those projects to be, we'd have the blessing and the power to complete them, ya know? have a great Lord's Day tomorrow. Unless my hubby gets feeling better, it looks like we'll be watching Adrian Rogers, Charles Stanley and Jeff Shreves again. selahV